I mentioned a while back in "That's what husbands do...." that Michael enjoys talking in quotes and lyrics, etc. Sometimes I get a "yaaa-daaaa dahhh dee da..." in place of words of a song, but the BEST is when he gets the lyrics in songs wrong because his alternative words are usually hilarious.
On the way back from San Antonio last weekend I got excited when I heard Lady Gaga's Poker Face come on and turned it up. Michael got excited because he thought it was the "pump up the bass song"... For those of you who know the song you know that she says "p-p-p-poker face, p-p-p-poker face..." and he thought she was saying "p-p-p-pump up the bass..." It was pretty funny and I have to say, I guess it does kinda sound like that. Even better was that after Poker Face ended the DJ put on a version the station had made that was "Butter Face".
Good times! Love you guys.