Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reed - 1 Month

Reed, our second child and our first son, was born on 12/28/12.  To say that he is a 'true second child' is right on the money.... as he is 4 months old as I try and get this blog up.  Fortunately I took enough notes along the way!
Reed is one month old as of 1/28/13. His month was filled with lots of excitement starting with our first night home from the hospital, New Years Eve. We came home in the afternoon and ordered pizza for dinner from Papa Johns. The Christmas tree was still up. That night Reed 'slept' in the bassinet beside our bed and we all woke at midnight to the sound of kids doing fireworks in the alley. YaYa was up all night with her stomach bug and Michael and I strongly considered going to a hotel or going to CS to escape the germs (and vomiting with a c-section incision!!!), but we kept mom on quarantine and sanitized sanitized all she had touched. It was hardest on poor Lillian who just couldn't understand why YaYa was there but wouldn't play. Adam ("Tio") and Megan saved the day and took Lillian all day for 1/1/13 so that we could sanitize - everyone needs two friends like them, they amaze me with their love and generosity often!
(Below: Reed snuggles on his Ninny, my grandmother and his great)
(Below: Lillian playing with her buckets of toys at Ninny and Opa's house.)

Reeds first snow happened in his first month and bad mom that I am I don't think I even got a picture to prove it! It was just a dusting though. He also took his first road trip - at three weeks Michael's grandad LJ passed away and Michael went to Alabama to the funeral so I took both children to College Station.  His first road trip was my first trip alone with 2 kiddos.  I stopped once to feed Reed and once to stop him from crying on the way down. It was Ninny and Opas first time to meet him and my mom drove up from San Antonio.

Reed seems like he has the potential to be a much better sleeper than big sister, but I've basically chosen survival mode and sleep holding him (me propped up on the couch, with him laying on his tummy on my chest) for him to get the best sleep :) He is waking up and eating every two hours (occasionally 3) but because newborns love some mommy cuddle time he goes immediately back to sleep pretty easily. This is an amazing improvement over Lillian's nighttime habits - we are soooo very thankful!  I count this time on the couch as temporary and enjoyable and feel so much less guilty about poor Michael waking up every two hours and then having to go to an office and function.
(Below: My 'bed' with Reed every night.  He would get so sweaty with his hot baby body and my body heat working together but I still felt like he'd get cold and made him wear a little hat.)

At his one month checkup he weighed 12.3 pounds. We have already had to adjust his carseats straps to the second notch and he is far out of newborn diapers. He is fitting nicely into some 3 month clothes. He still has soooo much hair!