Sunday, January 11, 2009

"That's what husbands do..."

On occasion in conversation Michael will throw out movie quotes or song lyrics in places that just don't quite fit - that is what makes them funny of course! And now, since we've just started getting into the show LOST on DVD (we started from the beginning) it makes sense that Michael has recently stolen a line from Jin "That's what husbands do..."

Although occasionally true-to-form Michael uses it in really odd places - like if I were to say "Man, you got really sweaty at the gym" he might say "That's what husbands do" - he also uses it when he's doing sweet things for me. As I say "thank you" for taking out the trash "that's just what husbands do". And as he does the dishes after dinner, folds clothes or rolls out of bed turn the heater up he's just 'doing what husbands do'.

Last week I felt sick on Thursday, but had to go to work because things are so busy these days. When I got home late that night tired and ready to crash on the couch, I came home to a sparkling clean kitchen, flowers on the table, and vacuum lines in the carpet. Perhaps this is "just what husbands do," but I suspect different and that I am a very blessed wife.


C and C said...

He learned that from his Daddy :)

Mel said...

That is really sweet. My hubby uses weird quotes at inappropriate times too. Must be a guy thing :-)

Unknown said...

That is so sweet!

You have a blog! Yay! Good to know. Me too. :)