October has been a bit of a whirlwind so it's likely that my procrastination in writing will be cause for shorter posts with more pictures - maybe some of you will be grateful! Mid-October we took our 1-year anniversary trip and flew out to Norfolk, Virginia. We drove into Duck/Kitty Hawk, North Carolina and stayed there at a resort on the beach.
Though the weather was unseasonably cold and rainy, it wasn't TOO rainy for us to get out and see the sites. We were still able to check out the sandy dunes and beaches, visit the Wright Brothers museum, eat some delicious sea food, tour the
USS Wisconsin (in Norfolk) at Nauticus and - my personal favorite - go hang gliding off the sand dunes in Kitty Hawk!
Neither of us had ever been to this part of the country and it was lovely even with the nasty weather. They say the BEST time to go is September so we missed that by a few weeks, but it was still lots of fun to get away just the two of us.
Pictures are posted in an album on Facebook but you should be able to get to them from this link below (if you can't, please email me because I know some of our readers don't have Facebook accounts but may want to see pics):
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=333468&id=864180073&l=a20e47a30eBelow are the two videos of each of our first flights at Hang Gliding School. Because the winds were coming out of the North and Northeast due to the storms coming in the instructors would run with us holding a leash to try and help us get more air - ideally the winds from the West are best but because of the bad weather we didn't get any of those so we made the most of it and still had a blast! Our instructors were great and I would totally recommend
Kitty Hawk Kites where we flew - they do all sorts of other cool stuff in the Summer months including para sailing that wasn't available when we went.