This weekend I celebrated my 27th birthday. It feels older than I thought it would, but things are so great in my life right now! I had a wonderful day thanks to all of the fabulous well-wishes I received! Also with much thanks to Michael! While I was out of town the two days preceding my birthday, he was a busy man!
Friday morning I woke up and Michael had a flower arrangement (that he arranged himself!) in the bathroom and another in the kitchen. He'd been up since who knows when and had already gone to get donuts and Starbucks coffee - that means he made two stops people! I opened present #1 and my card and then headed to the office.
When I got to the office there were roses, that Michael also arranged himself and dropped off on Thursday while I was out of town! I had some jealous co-workers. :-D The receptionist (who seriously loves Michael already) told me "Your sweet husband has such a great personality and he is so cute. He is the whole package sweetheart - the whole package!"
Friday evening I arrived home to open present #2, a vase from Pottery Barn - Michael is so great about remembering things that I've been looking at! Present #3 - I think this is my favorite - was when Michael told me I can now officially go shopping for our 'grown-up' dining room table!!! I'm already picturing my new place mats and napkins on this new table with all our friends sitting around just having the best time - oh the food that I am going to cook!!!
For dinner we went out to eat with a few friends for Mexican food at Gloria's. The funny thing about this is that it was EXACTLY the sort of thing I was planning for Michael's birthday which is in November... guess I'll be on to plan B!

Anyway, I had an absolutely fabulous birthday only to be followed up by a fun Halloween and a Happy Anniversary :)
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