Sunday, January 10, 2010

Don't be Trashy

Since the night I found Huck standing in the kitchen with a noodle hanging from his mouth and spaghetti sauce on his face AND the night not long after that I found him chowing down on an entire pork chop that we'd thrown away, we knew we'd need to install an under-cabinet trash can. It also prevents our trash can from being a floating fixture in our kitchen constantly blocking one of our cabinet doors.

So, while Marcus and my dad were in town after the Christmas holiday we completed one of my favorite home projects to date! We bought the trash can with roller kit one morning and once Michael came home that evening they began the install. Within an hour, we had hidden the trash! I LOVE not having that bulky white trash can floating around the kitchen and knowing that our 'baby' isn't eating our expired leftovers.

And what does Hucklebear think of our newly completed home project? Michael said he sat outside the 'trash cabinet' crying the other night. (Oh brother!)
Happy Monday!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha! Oh the things we have to buy to keep our "babies" out of trouble!! :)