14 Weeks (since I missed it last week)
This week our baby continues to work its way through the produce section and is the size of an orange (about 4 inches from the top of his/her head to his/her bottom). Following previous weeks where the baby developed fingernails and teeth under the gums, baby is taking more steps this week toward being an attractive person with proportional arms and legs. The eyelids are still sealed shut, but the baby can sense light and tastebuds are forming. He or she also now has functioning joints and is wiggling around in there like we saw on the sonogram last week... but is still too small for me to feel.
In other news, my braces are on and no longer sore. This past weekend we went on a family vacation with my family to Wimberley and had a great relaxing time. Aaannd last but not least, the last day of week 14, yesterday, we came home to a broken AC. We're staying with our good friends G & Lu at least one night to see if we can get it repaired ASAP, but for now the same sweet friends that saved us during the water shut-off crisis have pulled through again. Huck is in doggie heaven playing with their Boston Terrier Charlie Daniels... and it sure beats our 93 degree house!
Huck with our 'ghetto A/C' - a bowl of ice and a fan - before we left for G & Lu's.

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