Well it's time to face the reality of it all. I'm 31 weeks pregnant, the nursery is not done, we do not own a crib, our "sitting room" looks like Babies R Us threw up and I have done about 10% of my Christmas shopping. We did have a wonderful relaxing Thanksgiving, but last/this week I am back to work where we are discussing some major re-branding to happen early next year and 2011 Media plans. This is all just work-speak to you guys, but for me it means travel (just this week) and very busy work days at least until Christmas.
The upside of the nursery... My bedding is totally complete, I just haven't posted any pictures because there isn't really a good way to "display" it so I'm just waiting for the crib. The room is painted, Michael took all the wiring OUT of the nursery closet and rewired it to drop into the hall closet as well as replaced all the sockets with child proof ones. The blinds are back up and the closet is completely painted. Dad was here a couple of weeks ago and helped dramatically with putting a coat of paint on the walls and helping us sand and patch the closet. Cleaning the carpet, painting the windowsill, and installing baseboards and closet shelving remain.
Below: See dad and Michael "discussing" in the nursery.

It is noticeably harder these days to:
- Put on socks, pantyhose, shoes, etc.
- Shave my legs (thank heaven it's winter!)
- Roll over in bed at night
- Get up off the floor or out of a chair
- Bend over to pet Huckleberry (or to scold him and drag him out of the backyard where he is chasing squirrels)
I am still sleeping hard and sound at night and I am VERY thankful for this. I am dreaming vivdly, but not having any crazy baby dreams. I am exceptionally hungry and thirsty most of the time. Every couple of days (what used to be) my belly button hurts and burns while my body tries to grow and accommodate this little person that God is growing in there, but other than that and the occasional aching in my left leg I really still feel pretty good. I am VERY thankful for this as well! At times Michael and I can distinctly feel something hard pressing from inside my belly like a butt or head or knee (ha! it's distinctly there under the skin, but it's totally indistinct what it is!) and this is exciting b/c it's different than the little jabs and kicks we were feeling before when baby had more room to move.
At 29 weeks my friend Allison who is a photographer was so kind to take some maternity photos of us in downtown Grapevine. You can see some of the pics on her blog http://allisonharmsphotography.blogspot.com/2010/11/michael-and-natashas-maternity-shoot.html and you can see others here http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=583980&id=864180073&l=b640afaa04 . They came out so great and we have so many that we love of Michael and I + baby belly.
During week 30 we had our second super high-tech sonogram and confirmed the baby is still a girl! Whew! She still looks perfectly healthy (so much to be thankful for!), they estimate she weighs 3.7 lbs and her femur measured longer than average... shocker! She's measuring about 2 weeks ahead of my due date, but our OB said the Dr. that did the sonogram always tells people their babies are huge, so maybe she's not quite so large after all.
The belly at 30 weeks.
The belly at 31 weeks.