Well this is the home stretch people! It hurts me to bend over and get things out from under my desk and I occasionally request help putting on shoes or socks depending on how limber I'm feeling. Mostly, I just feel LARGE and yes, I know, it will only get worse. Our baby feels like she is all knees, elbows and heels these days. Michael marveled the other night at how little flesh stands between us and this little girl in there squirming around.
32 Weeks

33 Weeks
34 Weeks

We've purchased baseboards and they have one of two coats of paint, the windowsill has been primed, and we've completed our "Labor in a Day" Childbirth class at the hospital. We've pulled the shelving out of the boxes and Michael is going to begin that installation this afternoon when he gets home from work. Later this week is baseboard installation. We OWN a crib and dresser that await assembly once some of the "construction" is complete.
My bellybutton has had a tough couple of weeks and is now hardly an outie and more like a little bump with a wrinkle at the top. It now has a stretch mark right at the top as well (thank you pregnancy fairy) and I'm at bi-weekly doctors appointments. As we left College Station to head back to Dallas from Christmas we realized that the next time we see our families our baby will be on the way or here... wow, now THAT is crazy!
Our holidays were wonderful and as the cameras flashed and people cheered and made funny raspberry noises with their mouths to try and get a grin out of our sweet nephew Jackson for his first Christmas, I am excited for next Christmas when Jackson will be 18 months and showing his 10 month old-ish cousin how this whole Christmas thing works. I'm also excited to be the one that crashes my family's Christmas with the first great grandbaby - sure to be into everything by the time next Christmas comes around.
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