May 12th Lillian turned 3 Months old and the books and a couple online sites will argue she's becoming an infant and is no longer a newborn - this feels so true when I think about all the skills you take for granted that we've watched her acquire this past month. The most noticeable thing is how much more she is 'talking'! She will willingly have a conversation with anyone that will join her at the changing table, the elephant or monkey on her play gym (but not the lion b/c he doesn't jingle or sing, he's just stuffed), and with any other variety of toy and person when she's awake.

Below: In College Station - Lillian gets her first 'real' bath in Ninny's kitchen sink.

Pic Below: Natasha, Lillian and Michael at the wedding which was held at Sunset Ridge (that's where Michael and I were married!) Look at us, coming full circle with our little family of 3 now!

Pic Below: My brother Marcus, mom with Lillian and me.
In other news this month...
- Lillian has rolled over a couple of times, though she doesn't do it consistently since sometimes she can't seem to bend her arm in toward her body for the direction she wants to roll. These are front to back rolls.
- She is VERY talkative, very smiley, and better and better with her hands.
- At night she's still hovering around a later bedtime, 10 or 11pm, but my goal this month is to start getting to an earlier time and to get her into her crib and out of our room.
- She’s still a swing-napper and that’s the habit we’ll be trying to break this month as well. Yikes!
- Her 0-3 month clothes still fit and she seems long and skinny to me though I don’t know how much she weighs since we won’t have a 3 month appt.
- She still looks like daddy according to the majority of the people that weigh in, but I still see some of my baby pictures in her.
- Bath time is still one of her favorite times and she’s even happy as you pull her out to dry her off, while you put lotion on and while you diaper her. She crashes a little bit when you try to put her PJs on, but she perks back up after it’s done.
- Lillian loves a paci and seems to care less if it falls out now after she falls asleep which is nice.
- We have 'trained' her to know her 'calm down cues' and if this child melts down usually all it takes is a swaddle, a paci, and turning her on her right side to quiet her up. She likes a vigorous bounce in this position at times she's really upset. She's not as big a fan of the rocking.
- L still loves walks too - if you can get past the cry she may give you while being strapped into the car seat she'll just stare and stare looking around on the walk and usually be asleep before it's all said and done!
This has been a great month as we learn more of what makes her happy, calms her down, etc. We feel like we know what she needs a little better than before, which is great b/c that helps us get out and about still with confidence.
Also, at the 12 week mark of Lillian's life I returned to work for two weeks, during which time I gave my notice, and soon I'll be working part time in a new job while staying at home with Lillian. We are so incredibly thankful that this lifestyle change is an option for us! A combination of Nana, Ninny and Opa, and our good friend Megan from church, provided care for Lillian while I went to the office. We were so thankful that Lillian has people that love her that were able to spend time helping us with this transition.
We are really settling into life as our little family now and it's so funny... like, this is the life I said I wanted and here it is. A home, a little white dog, Michael as my husband, and our beautiful little daughter the start to the family I'd always hoped I'd have. God is so good.
1 comment:
That video was SOO precious!!! Love her!!
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