Three days after Lillian turned 8 months, we went on a trip to College Station to see mine and Michael's families while Michael went to Lousiana for a guys weekend like he does every Fall. On that trip, Lillian began crawling on her knees - before that moment she had been army crawling. And, just like I suspected, once she realized that she could crawl on her knees, she began pulling up. At my Ninny and Opas house in Bryan, Lillian pulled to a standing position using her walker that we'd parked on the carpet (to keep it from rolling away). She returned to that walker again and again that weekend and tried and tried again to stand.
In true kiddo form, once she figured out that she could do it, she wanted to do it again and again and again. Crawling to things so she could pull to standing, falling, more crawling, standing, bonking her head, etc. consumed months 8 to 9. She is a VERY busy girl and it keeps me pretty busy just trying to keep up!
Once she became a little better at pulling up she decided she'd start reaching for new things and sometimes letting go, allowing herself to hover unsteadily on her two feet. She squats, she kneels and plays, she is doing everything she can to get to the things she wants! She's also started climbing on some things, putting her knees up and then figuring out how to get her feet up as well. The picture below is taken from above and it's classic 'mobile Lillian' - as she walked along the outside of her crib she saw her paci and lovey blanket on the inside... she just had to have them!
The consonant sounds abound with "mama" and "dada" and "lala" and "gaga" all over the place, but none of them clearly tied to any person or thing, and none of them repeated too consistently just yet even with prompting.
This sweet little girl has a mouth full of teeth. We talk about her 'chompers' and they make for such an adorable smile! We're at 7 teeth now with 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom. You can see in the pic below that the one tooth to the left of her two bottom teeth has come in strong, but there aren't any signs of the other one of that pair just yet!
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