Lillian is 10 months old today. She is getting so very big and doing big girl things like pulling to standing (and sometimes letting go to stand independently), eating bigger chunks of food, playing games (like peek-a-boo) and letting her little personality show. She is still a great errand runner, she is persistent and she is a ham for any 'fans' that she encounters at church, at the store, etc.
She's more and more interested in regular food and she loves chicken and turkey (yes, her first taste of meat was at Chic-Fil-A! Who wouldn't love that?!) and feeding herself. She's less interested in the things I offer her on a spoon and prefers to pick things up herself like peas, pieces of green beans, grapes, corn, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, cooked pears or apples, PUFFS (of course!), cheese and more. She ADORES the baby yogurt and the baby oatmeal with banana cereal.
Sleep... thank goodness we are getting so much of it! It's hard to imagine how we ever survived the first 7 months of Lillian's life, but now she is rewarding us with full nights sleep almost every night. We still have the occasional middle of the night wake up thanks to all of the teeth this girl is getting and two colds we've had over the last couple of months, but it doesn't even COMPARE to where we were! Lillian typically goes to bed around 8pm and wakes up sometime between 5:30am and 7:30am to nurse. If it's on the earlier side of the spectrum she'll usually go right back to sleep... and usually sleep in pretty well till 7 or later. We do occasionally get to sleep in until 8:30 or so and if I put her in bed with me and she's feeling especially generous, we've had mornings that we've slept until 9:30am! MIRACLE!
Lillian really enjoys being tickled and she will raise her arms or expose her ribs (wherever you are tickling) to let you do it again and again. She will look for daddy when she hears his voice if he's been away and she will crawl over to you when she wants to see you or if she wants you to pick her up. She is to the age where she knows what to do when you're trying to dress her, but because she still HATES having clothes put on, she resists even more effectively now than she could before. She is a squirmy little girl on the changing table!
Lillian loves bath time and doesn't mind water splashing on her face or running down from her head. I can put her on the floor in the shower and she will play with toys until it is her turn to soap up which just amazes me - I think we are going to have a total water baby by next Summer! She's startled by sudden loud noises - sometimes a sudden loud laugh or sudden applause gets her... but usually it's just the dog barking that freaks her out. That said, she still LOVES her Hucklebear and he usually gets the most laughs out of any of us!
She takes her tumbles in stride usually getting back at the climbing, standing, exploring right away, but we did have her first busted lip this month. She celebrated her first Thanksgiving with a trip to College Station during which she tasted her first sucker and more importantly, we found out she will have a NEW COUSIN in June 2011 because David and Sara are pregnant!!! EXCITING! She also made a trip with mommy to San Antonio where she played with YaYa (my mom) while I worked in the San Antonio office for the day. I am PRETTY certain that she said her first word this last month when she repeated consistently "Da Da", but she doesn't know to associate it with Michael for certain yet. She isn't signing anything back to us yet, but there is no question in my mind that she knows the sign for "MILK" because we have one anxious girl if we sign it and don't get her to some milk ASAP! She has yet to shake her head "Yes" but she does shake her head "No" at really funny times which has made for good enteratinment - like tonight when daddy said "I'm hilarious" and she shook her head no. HA!
Below: The first pic is hilarious to me because we were trying to figure out the timer and it took like 500 pictures. It makes me laugh because of how Ninny is just throwing her arm in the air :) The one below it is a little more serious.
Below: Have you ever seen a bigger sweet potato!? The potato... not the baby! You can see the busted lip a little bit in this pic
- She's transitioning from 9 to 12 month clothes
- She weighs about 20 lbs and is a little over 2 feet tall (ha!)
- She has 7 teeth (4 on top and 3 on the bottom) and she is cutting her 8th tooth on the bottom right
- She is knee crawling and walking while holding onto things
It's going to be so interesting to see what unfolds the next two months as we approach 1. The physical strides are amazing and the speed at which she is figuring out how to work things, how to ring bells, how to turn lights on and off, etc. is picking up as well! Until then, just enjoy how timely this update is! :-)
Click the image below to watch the video of Lillian taken 3 days after she turned 10 months and decided to shake her head YES!
Click the image below to watch the video of Lillian taken 3 days after she turned 10 months and decided to shake her head YES!
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