(Above: Reed in his crib after sister came in to see him post-nap... she covered him in Cheerios.)
(Below: Classic Reed cry face and a moment of peace on quiet on his back.)
- He sits up very steadily and can play in the playroom now alongside sister, who I believe is his MOST favorite person in the world.
- He has started a sippy cup and is pretty good at holding that and a bottle, but not yet good at tilting his head back to get the liquid to fill the nipple.
- He has spent a lot of time in the last month with frustrated grunts and cries - frustration he can't get a toy to work as he wants, frustration he can't move like he wants, etc.
- In spite of what I said I would do for my second child (waiting until later than 6 months), Reed has started solids after showing great interest in what we were eating and has been a very easy starter. So far we've tried oatmeal (banana) cereal, avocado, sweet potato, peas, apples, green beans and cantaloupe. So far he's only rejected green beans and cantaloupe - green beans it seems from flavor and I think cantaloupe because of texture even though I pureed it.
He has mastered getting the walker to move forward but regularly gets hung up on corners of cabinets or the threshold on the floor that transitions the wood to the tile. He loves the exersaucer and jumper and toys that play music or light up. Everything goes to his mouth. And speaking of that mouth, his big open mouth smile with those two little bottom teeth will melt your heart!
Reed is pretty good at falling asleep on his own but we began hitting some rough patches as we approached 7 months and mobility increased. He still likes you to stand and sway and sing when he's ready to sleep rather than letting you sit and relax in a rocking chair... the more weight this kid gains the more I feel like I need to work on this!
Reed is pretty good at falling asleep on his own but we began hitting some rough patches as we approached 7 months and mobility increased. He still likes you to stand and sway and sing when he's ready to sleep rather than letting you sit and relax in a rocking chair... the more weight this kid gains the more I feel like I need to work on this!
He went to his first movie this month (mostly bc I wanted to take sister) The Lorax and nursed and slept nearly the whole time just like I'd hoped! He also took his first plane ride for his first out of state trip to Breckenridge, Colorado for a weekend with friends!
Favorite age so far :)
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