Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our Baby Huck Turns 1

When my friend Beth's bulldog turned 1 we went to an official dog party, got doggie picture frames, cooked hamburgers and Omaha Steak hot dogs (WHAT?! so delicious). She even made a special carrot cake cupcake just for Billy (the bulldog) that was safe for dogs.... On Huck's birthday Michael and I went out for date night and bought Huck a toy on the way home because we're bad parents.

To make up for our neglect of our baby on his birthday I gave him a horrible haircut last night (more on that later) and now I will post some long overdue videos of our funny little man.

Video 1 (sorry it is sideways, I didn't think about not being able to flip it when I was filming):
Michael's favorite way to play with Hucklebear is to sort of move in slow motion while Hucklebear sits and stares awaiting the burst of energy and chase that ensues at the end. In this video Michael is actually hiding in the pantry/laundry room SLOWLY opening the door. You'll see that as scared as Huck gets he always chases after Michael to continue the playing.

Video 2:
This is Huck totally destroying the snuggle we got him for his birthday in about 2 mins. We literally threw it away about 10 mins after we got home.