Monday, January 28, 2013

Lillian - 22 Months (12-12-12)

Lillian is 22 months as of 12/12/12 and will be a big sister in just a matter of weeks which is kinda crazy to think about as someone who will be the mom to these two little ones!!

She is ever baby-obsessed and has been talking about baby Reed more and more as we talk about Christmas and becoming a big sister shortly after - I can only hope that she will be as in love as it seems she will be! I imagine her being very interested in Reed, but disappointed at his lack of interaction, and concerned when he cries.

Lillian is all around a very happy and secure little girl. She is going to Sunshine School Monday and Thursday and goes to the nursery at church Tuesdays when I go to Ladies Bible Study.  Initially I thought it was a lot of time to be away from my little girl, but she loves this play time with her friends and I know this time will be valuable for me and Reed after he arrives.  All of her teachers continually say how sweet she is and how funny and happy and 'I just can't imagine she would ever get in trouble for anything at home.'  Ha!  I can only hope that if this wasn't true they would have just said nothing at all because I love to think that Lillian is such a doll when she is out of my sight. She still adores her teacher Ms. Aimee and frequently asks about her even on non school days.

I think she's largely secure at church because we spend so much time there, but at playgrounds or the rec center she's the perfect balance of secure and cautious for this mommy! She will look to me for approval or to 'check in' if she's off playing, but rarely requires coaxing to put herself out there and just be a kid.  Lillian knows how to have a good time :) speaking of which, she will lock on to a mention of a party like nothing else and say  'Party. Party? Paaarrty!

Below there is a link to a video of Dane (Lil's fave!) and Lillian playing on the playground at ChicFilA - not only does she laugh it up in this video but she cracks up when she watches herself in this video too :)

Lillian and Dane Playing on Playground