Today (Monday) I am officially past the halfway mark, I am 21 weeks. Just to clarify (if you're like me before I was pregnant and your brain doesn't work in pregnancy weeks) I have been pregnant for about 4 1/2 months now and I am 'in the 5th month'.
I haven't talked much about pregnancy symptoms in these blog posts, but let me just take a moment to tell you about all the strange little things that many people fail to talk about in regards to pregnancy... My calves are tight like I've just done 100 calf raises and didn't stretch afterwards - they cramp regularly in the middle of the night causing me to leap from bed and startling Michael awake. My mouth is extra watery. I am extra thirsty. My nails are growing fast, but they're thin. My cravings and aversions are random and unexplained - I want Cesar salad desperately, first trimester regular mint flavors sounded gross and now the cinnamon that I replaced the other mints with tastes strange. I gag when I take vitamins or any other pill, which I never did before, and this is especially inconvenient now as I have more pills to take than ever with all the vitamins (and now Tylenol thanks to braces)! Last but not least... a better known 'symptom' is the popping belly button, but it feels entirely too early for my belly button to be on the way out - in my mind that is for 'really pregnant people' - but perhaps I just don't realize that I'm in that category!
Still, as I tell anyone who asks, this pregnancy has been so easy compared to others I've heard of, I really can't complain! I feel good most days and all the check ups I've had have been positive. We love our doctor, I have a wonderful, supporting husband and friends and we're really looking forward to sharing this beautiful little girl (skeletor) with our loved ones.
21 weeks from the side
21 weeks from the front

21 weeks from the front

Look at that belly! You are such a cute pregnant lady. I'm really excited for y'all.
Skeletor sure is growing! My belly button never did pop out into an outtie....That must be a strange thing indeed. You'll have to take a picture when that happens ;) Also can't wait to see the nursery!!!
ha! maybe you will be spared other not so great symptoms like heartburn, cankles and a linea negra since you have these??
either way you look super cute!
we should definitely try and meet up sometime this fall in CS! we don't have season tickets, but are thinking about coming to at least one game when it cools down a little more...i'll keep you posted :)
You are SOOOO cute! I would like to say that I would like to fall into your "supportive friend" category. Okay? Okay. :)
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