Last Wednesday, midway through week 21, we had our monthly checkup. Dr. Thurston listened to the heartbeat and measured my belly and assured us everything was completely normal even though I wasn't feeling the baby yet. Apparently the way the placenta is positioned acts as a big pillow in front of the baby, making it harder for me to feel her movements, blah, blah, pregnancy talk. Anyway, I think it was Thursday afternoon at work (the very next day!), when I was sitting at my desk and thought I felt her move... then again! ... and again! I didn't have this feeling of flutters, bubbles, or these other tickle-y sounding feelings that other people described. Instead, this felt like a thumping on the inside of a pumpkin and that pumpkin is my belly! Truthfully, I told Michael that it was like thumping a melon from the inside out... but I mean, it's October now - so, pumpkin it is!
As I sit on the couch she was moving around like a mad woman in there and I could even feel her when I put my hand on my stomach. And so, I ran and woke Michael up, put his hand on my belly and waited.... nothing,.... stillness... of course! Back on the couch she's up to her previous antics! SIGH. Maybe it will be another week or so for daddy.
The week by week developments now are more general because her main task is to gain weight. All of our resources compiled guess/estimate the following things for this week: she is sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day (JEALOUS!), she can now hear noise outside the womb, she is sprouting nipples (more on why this is fascinating later), her face is fully formed, she's growing tooth buds beneath her gums, and she is about the size of a papaya.
She's still got thin wrinkly, hairy skin - until her body pads up with fat - and the irises in her eyes still lack pigment. Now don't get me wrong, this is our precious daughter in there, who I am sure is just lovely... but it does sound like this week she's still got a pretty good look going for Halloween! haha
This week marks the first week that people have asked me when our baby was due and if I had an announcement. I am now CLEARLY pregnant to the world - and so much so that these people are brave enough to ask. Michael is still "just ready for her to get here" and is loving watching the growing belly thinking about his daughter-to-come. I'm not joking when I tell you that if you think daddies with babies are sweet, it will melt your heart to watch your husband preparing to become one. I definitely shed a tear at Target the other day three pages into a picture book with little quotes called "Why Daughters Need Their Dads".
Until we blog again....
This week marks the first week that people have asked me when our baby was due and if I had an announcement. I am now CLEARLY pregnant to the world - and so much so that these people are brave enough to ask. Michael is still "just ready for her to get here" and is loving watching the growing belly thinking about his daughter-to-come. I'm not joking when I tell you that if you think daddies with babies are sweet, it will melt your heart to watch your husband preparing to become one. I definitely shed a tear at Target the other day three pages into a picture book with little quotes called "Why Daughters Need Their Dads".
Until we blog again....
22 Weeks (note the awesome maternity jeans that cover up a large portion of the belly and do a strange wrinkle thing in the back still because my belly isn't big enough to pull them tight)

SOOOO cute!!! So exciting that you felt her move! We must get together soon. :)
Do they make maternity Halloween shirts that have a jack-o-lantern face on the belly? If not, you should totally make one! For your "pumpkin!" So cute. That's hilarious that she won't move for Michael. Maybe daddy already has a calming effect :)
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