Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lillian - 6 Months

It's time for the freak out people. Does anyone else realize that we're on the downhill slope to 1 yrs old? All the 'big girl stuff' on the horizon just reminds me how big this little baby is getting.... but alas, there are new joys to come that we are enjoying (and, ahem, as Michael reminded me this morning "Don't worry... we'll have another... couple...").
6 month old Lillian could not be any cuter or more fun. She is precious. She is smiley. She is snuggly. She is smarter by the day. She is flexible (and taking advantage by chewing on those toes). We LOVE this month and we feel like we REALLY know Lillian and her moods now - she's our baby and we mostly know what to do with her. Hooray for that!
The latest with this adorable little girl...
  • She KNOWS and LOVES us. It's precious the way she will lean towards the person she 'wants' these days. She'll put her lean on towards daddy if she's ready to spend time with him.
  • Daddy comes in every day and says "Hey cutie!" or "Hey pretty girl!" and gets her attention. If I ask "Where's daddy?" or she hears his voice, she is all about locating him. Same with Hucklebear (her second love!).
  • Lillian is showing some love to us touching our faces, our eyes, hanging on to our shoulders aaaand she offered me her paci the other day.
  • She is 'feeling' of textures and patting on things constantly. She opens and closes her hands on the throw pillows, on the carpet, on the fuzz in her "DOG" book, on her sheets when she lays down to sleep... everything.
  • If I'm holding her on my hip and she gets excited she bounces up and down and kicks her feet.
  • She sits up unsupported these days, but she is a little unpredictible at times - if she gets excited or sees something she wants that's off to the side, she will still throw herself at it and knock herself off balance.
  • She is definitely doing 360s on the floor and TRYING to get somewhere these days as well. It's probably her biggest frustration these days... that she can't move as quickly as she wants. Mostly, she looks like a frustrated fish out of water! (Click on the image below to play the video).
  • 6 Months Old -  Wanting to Crawl
  • We have grown two bottom middle teeth this month and thankfully they seemed to come in without too much drama.
  • This month Lillian has decided that she is a tummy sleeper (up until this point if I put her on her tummy she would immediately wake up, raise her head and look at me like "WHY am I doing tummy time? I'm SO tired right now..."). For this reason, among others, we have also ditched the swaddle.
  • She is eating about every 3 hours and napping about 4 times a day for 30 mins.
  • At night she goes down around 8 and generally wakes up around 1 something (and cries for 5 mins or less and goes back to sleep) then again around 3 or something (and eats) and then sometimes around 5 to fuss a bit, hopefully more like 7ish to eat again and start her day. We're still pretty sporatic... but at least at the time that I'm writing this, manageable.

Last but not least, I've decided that God blessed me with a great, flexible baby... which also means she is a great errand-runner! I am not a very rigidly scheduled person, but I tried to be for L especially during months 3 and 4...however I've found that a rigid schedule doesn't work well with L ... or maybe isn't necessary. Either way, she's my little girl that 'hangs in there' when small group runs long, or will snooze through dinner to get tide her over and generally does it pretty easily. I mean, she is still a baby, so we help her cope the best we can!

1 comment:

Melissa Jackson said...

Look at those cheeks! What a cutie!