Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lillian - 17 Months

Well, true to form I am behind on my posts, but fortunately I had some notes written about 17 months so I'm not completely winging it here!

Climbs on everything
Words she says: no-no, oh-no, Huckle, up, please, thank you, rock (sounds like 'crah, crah'), bye bye, puppy, turtle, Dane, mama, dada, lambie ('mami'), Papa, Nana, banana, apple, Opa, YaYa, baby, more, juice, shoes, socks, eyes, toes, ball, bubble and  more!
Still signs milk for any kind of drink
Snuggles so well when she first wakes up or before she goes to sleep
Asks for dada during the day
Clingy and not wanting to go to the nursery or wanting to be held in the store, while cooking dinner, etc.
This month she met baby (cousin) Knox the weekend after he was born and went on her first alone trip with daddy to do so (I was restricted from travel thanks to some pregnancy complications)
Went to the Dallas World Aquarium with the Fox family
If she has fruit she calls it an apple
She is carrying everything or loading it into bags or wagons to tote it around - this is also a source of frustration because she can't always carry all she wants to
Understanding more complex commands
Still likes to close the trash or cabinets more than open them
Points to clock radio to Dance because she wants music
Aaaand she is dancing lots
Likes when we sing but covers her ears and then asks for more


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