Sunday, March 29, 2009

I like apples better anyway....

Well, we're very sad to announce for those of you who have been following that we did not get the orange house. The seller received another off mid-negotiation and decided to strike a deal with them instead. They kept saying he'd get back with us and deadlines pushed again and again and finally tonight we found out that the home has been sold.

As much as we trust that there is another home out there that will be just as wonderful and in which we will be just as happy, we're still having a hard time thinking about not having the one that felt so right. I guess next time we know not to let ourselves get too attached - the more you love, the greater the risk for hurt.

Thanks for all of your encouragement in our search. I'm sure we'll be back in the saddle again soon.


Paula said...

oh no! well, it must not have been the "one." we had something similar happen when we were looking at houses- had found the perfect house, fell in love, got attached, etc. then the seller backed out. it was devastating! but, then 2 weeks later, we found our REAL house! God has a better one waiting for you, I'm sure!

Andrea said...

Keep your heads up! It's hard to find a house... you'll find one eventually though and you'll be glad you missed out on the orange one.

Unknown said...

Thanks guys for your encouragement! We're starting to get excited again finally about looking!