Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Puppy Steps in Potty Training

Huck really did great not having accidents the first two weeks or so. We take him out OFTEN to try and avoid accidents since he isn't really able to say "Hey let me outside." while in his play pen.

The last couple of weeks however he's had some accidents while we are away at work. Either one or both of us comes home during the day to let him out at lunch but sometimes during that 4 hour span in between visits home he just can't make it. I attribute THAT to puppy bladder. Sometimes when we are home he's playing and will take a quick stop to pee on the floor and I attribute that to being like a kid too caught up in the fun to take the time to go outside.

We have begun ringing a little bell when we go outside so he knows that is the "please-may-I-go-outside" cue and he's still doing great going once we take him out. However today at lunch there was a nice little pile waiting for me when I came home. "Man we have regressed!" I thought.

But then, tonight while I was cooking dinner I look over and little Huck is doing a two-footed dance by the back door - he wasn't even scratching at it! (Good Boy, Huck!) We went outside and he went straight to do his business! (Good Boy, Huck!) Then about 30 minutes later I hear a tiny bell and so with my mouth gaping I take him outside and .... VICTORY again!

Huck, I'd have to say that tonight you have redeemed yourself! GOOD BOY!

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