Tuesday, August 18, 2009

You Lazy Dog

The other night I took Huck for a walk before dinner. When he came home all hot from walking he lay down on the kitchen floor with his belly flat on the tile to cool down. He wouldn't even get up for the dinner I set just a few inches in front of him.

I scooted his bowl toward him to see if the smell would rouse him, but instead he lay on the floor and craned his neck to get his head in the bowl to eat. He lay there flat on his belly eating for a few mins before he stood to get the remainder of the food.

We both laughed and then Michael says to Huck "oh man... I love you." You lazy dog - you're lucky you're so stinkin' cute!
- Natasha

1 comment:

Mel said...

I love it! He looks like a little rascal....