Well, sometimes life just gets in the way of things we intend to do... and for me, it gets in the way of blogging. Ha! Among other things! I tried to tell Michael that he was behind on updating the blog (I believe he last posted several months ago), but I
am the one that started this weekly pregnancy update in the first place.
Here is my attempt at catch-up! The last couple of weeks have been full. Full of my birthday, Halloween (I guess technically these two things were on the tail end of week 25), our 2-year anniversary (which included a wonderful and relaxing trip to Hot Springs, AR), our first baby shower (yay!), a visit from my dad and plenty of other things!
Week 26 we got started in the baby's room which involved quite a few samples of paint, some ripping out of base boards, some patching of holes in the wall (they were there before, we did not make them!) and some Halloween dress-up. The belly pic for 26 weeks was actually taken on the last day of week 25 so that we could document our fabulous last-minute costumes that we donned for passing out candy. My 80's make-up is so awesome that the little girl next door kept saying "Why does your face look so different?" Michael said he found it disturbing that I even owned the colors of eyeshadow that I wore that night, but he got some funny looks himself since I think the neighbors weren't sure if his 'white trash' costume was a costume or not!
Below: 26 Weeks - Family Photo
Below: Cozy Bed and Breakfast, Hilltop Manor, where we stayed in Hot Springs, AR
Below:The baby loves hiking! The fall color there was really pretty though you can't tell very well from this picture. Notice the camo jacket!
Below: View over Hot Springs. A note about these maternity jeans, I should have bought the smaller size... the droopy booty is especially evident in this picture!
Below: The belly at 27 Weeks - Hucklebear gets in on the picture action just to make sure you know that he was here BEFORE the baby. :)
My College Station shower was this last weekend on the 13th and I had such a wonderful time with such lovely hostesses! Susan Fox (my 'adopted mother') hosted the shower at her home along with my two fabulous sisters-in-law on the far left and the far right, and college friends Meredith (with the glasses) and Stacey (in green) - see picture below. This is one of those things that makes the baby feel very real. We received so many beautiful little outfits and blankets and toys as well as some of the essentials that we so desperately need - it reminds me that this precious little person growing in my belly right now will soon be joining our lives. I am so thankful to be surrounded by such love and support during this joyous time - it makes what is already a happy time all the sweeter!
Below: Me and the hostesses for my College Station Shower on Nov. 13th.
Below: We also had a joint celebration for both mine and Michael's birthday while in CS with the Anderson fam.

On the last day of week 27 I officially finished the organizer that Mom and I started sewing for the baby's room, the crib bumpers are done, and today I plan to finish the crib/bed skirt. Since we're in town this next weekend I am hopeful that I'll have pictures to show of the painted, baseboard-ed nursery and bedding by week 29.
The baby is about the size of an eggplant these days and she's practicing "breathing" the amniotic fluid to prepare her lungs for life outside the womb. She's most active in the mornings and in the evenings, so usually it's just Michael that catches her punches and kicks, but she did put on a little show for Aunt Sara during church this last Sunday. Baby Girl Anderson is anywhere from 1.5 to 2.2 lbs these days and still wrinkly, but less so as fat deposits under her skin. I'm still sleeping hard at night and hoping this lasts as my friends that pass the 30 week mark tell me that's when it gets hard. Yesterday I bought the biggest YAM at the grocery store I'd ever seen. I was showing it to Michael when I realized it was about the size of our baby.
Below: Michael 'burps' our baby Yam. What a good daddy!

We have another big sonogram appointment on Michael's birthday, Nov. 23rd so hopefully we'll have some great sonogram pics to show off before the Thanksgiving holiday.
Below: Last, but not least, this is where we're at today at 28 Weeks
Until next week... or a few weeks from now... :)