Monday, February 16, 2009


Whelp, we survived! Thanks to Michael's very awesome grad school buddy, we were less than 3 blocks from the start line and got lots of sleep the night before. We woke up at 6am (the race started at 7) ate some bagels, drank some gatorade, applied some body glide (haha well Michael did - that is what he is doing in the pic to the right there - I wore none), attached our numbers and headed out the door.

The weather was absolutely perfect for running and only a little bit cold as we waited to cross the 'river bridge' in downtown Austin. Contrary to his original plan Michael decided to wait and run a race 'for time' in March and so he ran with me the first 5 miles. The hills were hard on me since my training had been lacking this round, though my knee didn't really hurt until Mile 5. Once it was my knee, I knew I wouldn't be able to run much and in the first 5 miles we decided Michael would leave me once we reached downtown so the timing was right. When we reached the second bridge to cross the river he began to run and I began the speed walk that would carry me through the majority of the remainder of the race. I wasn't upset like I thought I'd be even though if I'd had my choice I would have loved to run the race - I ran in tiny strides for a minute or so at a time and then would speed walk the rest.

I finished the race with the race clock at around 2:45 (not sure yet what my chip time will be) which works out to about a 12:20 minute mile. I couldn't be happier that I finished in less than three hours with a mile time under 16 minutes! ha Michael was already there waiting for me on to the right of the finish line (our agreed meeting spot) and not to my surprise, he'd made incredible time even spending the first 5 pokey miles with me.

I have to say again, that I am continually amazed at what our bodies are capable of doing and so grateful for our health and endurance that allows us to participate in activities like this. But also, that I really love seeing all the different people that races like this brings. A man old enough to be my grandfather stopped where I was (admittedly, I was stopped trying to catch my breath) on one of the huge hills and started clapping and saying "Come on! Now isn't the time to stop! You can do this!" Mom's ran by posters of dads and their daughters holding posters "You can do it Mommy!" And another little boy held a sign "That's my grandmother!" Nothing gets someone with a soft heart like people accomplishing what they thought was the impossible. How inspiring!!!

Anyway, sorry this story ended up being so long. I hope you'll be able to hear Michael's side of the race soon, but for now we are celebrating Valentine's day and that means massages!!! No food tastes as good and no massage feels so great than after a half-marathon. Hooray!



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