Wednesday, January 5, 2011

35 Weeks and Counting...Nursery Progress

Ooohhh baby... You are large, or at least you sure feel that way. You do strange things with your pointy little limbs particularly when I lay on my side at night. You are wide awake around 4:30am (around the time that I have to get up for a bathroom break, which is very inconvenient for daddy who usually gets woken up too and whose alarm goes off just 30 mins later). Aaand for some reason you make my belly jut out at the top, slant downward and then round out at the bottom.

Below, the Belly at 35 Weeks
35 Weeks was an important week for productivity in our expecting-Anderson-household. Michael installed shelves in the baby's closet...
Below, Michael reading instructions for the shelves.
Note: Michael said he'd prefer if I not take pictures of him reading instructions, but rather take pictures of him working with tools. I explained to him that he was much more of a man for actually reading instructions than for knowing how to use tools.

We installed baseboards (shout out and thanks to the Francis family who had a saw we could borrow)...

Below, Michael uses the tiny flowered hammer I got from mom this Christmas to pull out the nails from the OLD baseboards. Huck is a great supervisor!
Below, Michael puts in the finishing nails for the baseboards.

We assembled the crib and dresser...

Aaand we found out that the lovely bedskirt mom and I made is too long, so I begin yet another sewing project for baby - shortening the skirt. I'm hopeful that pics of that are to come for week 36!

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